- Street in the historic centre
- Restaurant in the historic centre
- Santa Clara
- Dome of the Cathedral
- Street corner with cypresses
- Plaza de La Corregidora
- Jardín Guerrero
- Monumental statue of Benito Juárez
- La Corregidora monument
- Santa Rosa de Viterbo facade
- Santa Rosa de Viterbo detail
- Street café in the city centre
- Andador 5 de Mayo
- Plaza de los Fundadores
- Santa Rosa de Viterbo cupola
- Statue of a musician in front of Templo de la Santa Cruz
- View of the aqueduct
- Plaza in the historic centre
- Museo Regional
- Santa Rosa de Viterbo pulpit
- Statue of a Conchero-Tänzer
- Plaza de Armas
- Calle Independencia
- Palacio de Gobierno